Korean Canadian Heritage Archives project from East Asian (Cheng Yu Tung) Library, University of Toronto

How to Access

Most of the collection items that you find under 'KCHA-UBC' have been collected and archived by the Asian Library of University of British Columbia. Likewise, most of the collection items that you find under 'KCHA-UOT' have been collected and archived by the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library of University of Toronto. However, some of the collection items are held in ohter institutions such as the Korea Times Daily and Alpha Korean United Church in Toronto.

The holding location of each collection item is indicated in the description in the details

If you would like to see any collection items held at the University of Toronto Libraries, please visit Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library located on the 8th floor of the the John P. Robarts Research Library- 130 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada.

If you would like to see any collection items held at the University of British Columbia Library, please visit the Asian Library located at- Asian Centre 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

If you would like to gain more information about heritage resources that are held outside of University of Toronto or University of British Columbia, please contact an appropriate holding insitution directly or contact the KCHA project team for their contact information.