Korean Canadian Heritage Archives project from East Asian (Cheng Yu Tung) Library, University of Toronto

Collection Item Type

The KCHA Collection resources have been categorized into one of the listed formats according to their content formats. The following guideline has been used: 




(in the Context of the Korean Canadian Heritage Archives Collection)


• Refers to a man-made, physical object.

• Includes paintings and handcrafts.


• Refers to a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

Cartographic Material

• Refers to any map-related materials.

• Includes maps, atlases, charts, globes, and geographic information systems.


• Refers to letters delivered to a specific person or a group.

• Includes printed letters, email, postcards, and telegrams.


• Refers to culturally, historically, and/or politically significant non-commercial publications primarily focused on specific events or topics.

• Includes pamphlets, photographic documents, calendars, posters, catalogues, forms, and tickets.

Grey Literature

• Refers to publications with limited distribution and with subject matter of a professional, often academic, nature.

• Includes teaching materials, reports, and conference proceedings.


• Refers to a hand-written or unpublished document.

• Includes hand-written letters, diaries, ledgers, minutes, speeches, marked or corrected galley or page proofs, manuscript books, and legal papers.



• Refers to any materials, not falling into any other formats, from uncertain sources.


• Refers to works that combine sound, images, and text.

• Includes CDs, DVDs, cassette tapes and VHS cassettes.

News Clipping

• Refers to an article or photograph cut from a newspaper or magazine.

Personal Documents

• Refers to any personal document issued/created about/by/to a specific person or a group.

• Includes certificates, CVs/resumes, government-issued documents, organization records and personal identifications.


• Refers to a continuing publication issued in installments, typically numbered and dated.

• Includes magazines, newsletters and newspapers.


• Refers to a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree or diploma.

• Includes theses, dissertations, and journal articles.