The Discovery and Early Development of Insulin

Copyright Information

In keeping with its mission the University of Toronto Library provides access to the digital materials included in the Discovery and Early Development of Insulin online collection. This material may be used for the purposes of research, private study, or general interest. For these purposes the images and transcribed texts may be viewed and printed without prior permission. Any other use, including publication, redistribution and/or broadcast in any form, including electronic, requires written permission. For reproduction requests please fill out the Digital Photography Order Form and send/fax your request to the address listed on the form.

Copyright and other rights in the digital images, underlying encoded text, indexing and display of the materials in the Discovery and Early Development of Insulin online collection are held by the University of Toronto Library. Copyright and other rights in the original materials are retained by the owning repository. Materials made available in the online collection may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the rights of copyright and privacy. Users should be aware of their responsibility for determining the existence of such rights and obtaining any necessary permissions. 

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