University of St. Michael's College - John M. Kelly Library Special Collections

Using USMC John M. Kelly Library Special Collections

The University of St. Michael's College, John M. Kelly Library, Special Collections includes the papers of individuals and organizations collected by the Kelly Library for primary source research with particular emphasis on supporting the research and teaching mission of the College programs (Celtic studies, Christianity and Culture, Mediaeval Studies and the Book and Media Studies) and the Faculty of Theology.

Private papers that enrich the research component of the College programs including the papers of Canadian writer Sheila Watson and the Henri J.M. Nouwen Archives and Research collection.

Digitized items in Collections U of T are available through IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework)

Read the What is IIIF? page for further details about reusing items for teaching and research or click on any of the selected collections below to explore further. You can also use the search page to explore further. 
