The Wenceslaus Hollar Collection


If you encounter an issue on the site or have any feedback, please contact us.

The Wenceslaus Hollar Digital Collection team members:
Anne Dondertman
Sian Meikle
Karen Turko
Marlene van Ballegooie

Digital Photography
Paul Armstrong
Anne Byrne
Jim Ingram
Bogda Mickiewicz

Graphic Design
Gordon Belray

This digital collection was initially built using ColdFusion and then migrated to Islandora 7 in 2017. Click here to view a web archived copy of the original ColdFusion site. In 2024 the digital collection was migrated from Islandora 7 to the University of Toronto's homegrown Collections U of T Platform. Click here to view a web archived copy of the original Islandora 7 site.

2017 Development Team
Kelli Babcock
Bella Ban
Chris Crebolder
Chul Hee Yoon
Guita Lamsechi
Sunny Lee
Elizabeth Ridolfo

2024 Migration Team (UTL ITS)

Kelli Babcock
Isobel Carnegie
Andy Foster
Bilal Khalid
Dickson Law
Sunny Lee
Jana Rajakumar
Jarvis Tse
Andy Wagner